
What simulation skills are essential for event producers?


There are many abilities required for event management, but one of the most important is the ability to simulate. Especially for event producers, who are in a position to oversee the event, this ability is something that is well worth cultivating. In this article, we will explore why simulation skills are necessary for event producers and how they can be developed.

What is simulation capability?

Simulation skills refer to the ability to imagine and envision future events and situations, and to consider various scenarios. Adequate forecasting and careful preparation are inseparable when managing an event. Having simulation skills will enable you to deal with unexpected problems from the planning stage, and to respond appropriately to the needs of clients and participants.


Situations requiring simulation skills
Risk management:.

Events are subject to many unpredictable factors that can cause problems and issues. Simulation capabilities allow you to envision different scenarios and take measures to minimize risk.

This involves two methods: one is to identify them in advance, and the other is to utilize on-site rehearsals at the same time.

For example, if a meeting uses a projector, there are many points to check just by rehearsing onsite. In addition to making sure that the projector can project properly and that there are seats that cannot be overlooked by the equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to many other aspects, such as whether the computer will work properly depending on the manufacturer, whether extension cables are needed, whether the cables will not block the participants’ flow lines, and whether the room is protected to prevent stumbling. Are the cables cared for so they do not trip over each other?


Budgets are important to optimize the use of limited resources. While income, expense, and profit projections will be made in advance during the planning phase of the event, there are additional considerations that must be made. That is a time-based financial plan that takes into account how much money will be received at what time of year, and when and how much will be needed for withdrawals. It is like a puzzle, but here, too, simulation skills are put to the test.

Implementation Plan Management:.

Event preparation and management is based on a strict timeline. Through simulation capabilities, the impact of schedule delays and changes can be anticipated and addressed in advance.

Project management of events is also discussed in this article.

Making the Participant Experience Better:.

The participants’ experience is directly related to the success of the event. By having simulation skills, you can anticipate how participants will react in different situations and tailor your considerations accordingly.


How to Develop Simulation Skills

The above is a summary from the perspective of event management, but there is no doubt that simulation skills are necessary for any job in any industry. Of course, there is no denying that as one gains work experience, one can learn to do things by feel, but if one wants to consciously develop simulation skills, how can one do so?

Many of you may be doing this unknowingly, but if you can do it individually, the easiest way is actually to “simulate your own actions. If you suddenly find it difficult to predict what will happen on an event scale, try training yourself by imagining what you would do in some part of your daily life.

For example, imagine yourself for five minutes after you are seated in your office. After you have done this a number of times and become accustomed to it, try expanding the subject a little. What if it were someone else?

In conducting the simulation, it is important to note that this is different from wishful thinking or expectations. You need to imagine everything, not only the positive things, but also the possible bad things that could happen. I guess the image is that you aim to improve the accuracy of the simulation so that reality matches up with your dreams, rather than your dreams.

Returning to the perspective of event management, the following tasks may naturally take place at management team meetings. Most of them are done for the purpose of manual response flow and various risk countermeasures, but it is a method that goes around and leads to training simulation skills.

Study of past cases:.

Analyzing examples of past events and exploring the factors that contributed to success or failure can enhance your simulation skills in similar situations.

Role play:.

Through role-plays, participants are trained to imitate various positions and situations and to consider different scenarios.

Team Discussions:.

Through discussions with team members and subcontractors, participants share different perspectives and ideas to enhance their simulation skills.



For event producers, simulation skills are an important ability that is key to success. By forecasting, preparing, and envisioning various scenarios, it is possible to minimize problems and increase participant satisfaction. By researching past cases and training to improve your simulation skills, you will become a producer who can adapt to the ever-changing event industry.




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