
What to Consider When Outsourcing Office Staff


Recently, an increasing number of companies are using web-based registration systems for event registration. However, there are also cases in which analog registration is unavoidable due to compliance and personal information issues, and many companies have set up an office to manage the reception desk.

This article is intended for those companies that outsource their event receptionists to temporary staffing agencies due to their own manpower shortage, and for those who are in charge of event management.

We will share what we take care of.

|Reference work contents

Business contents…Reception by phone or e-mail → Listing → Reception completion information (phone or e-mail)

Location…in-house “special setup” or renting a rental conference room




|Table of Contents

Selection of suitable candidates
Creation of operation manual
Preparation of equipment
Staff Motivation




|1. Selection of suitable staff

In order to ensure the smooth operation of the event office, it is important to organize a team of staff who are good at the job at hand.

We call on registered staff, but most companies probably use event companies or temporary staffing agencies to do this.

When we contact registered staff for this job, we will contact them with the following conditions

Good telephone skills

Good at typing on a PC (Excel)

Good at double-checking work

If we wanted, we would prefer someone who is perfect at everything, but it is difficult to gather them because of the budget and the schedules of the registered staff.




|Creation of an operations manual

The advantages of creating an operations manual are as follows

 Unification of operations

 Reduction of on-the-job training time

 3. Ability to share precautions.

 2-1Business unification

Needless to say, the benefits of unifying operations are to increase efficiency and eliminate errors.

However, while your own employees may be able to reliably carry out what you verbally tell them to do, when outsourcing, a variety of people are dispatched. In many cases, the dispatched staff members have prepared operation manuals at other companies, so they will come with an operation manual this time as well.

 2-2 Reduction of OJT time

By providing the operation manual in data format in advance, the dispatched staff will have an overview of the manual in their mind.

It would be nice if there was enough time for OJT, but this is not always the case in the field.

If the staff is working without a firm explanation of the work contents, they will not be able to perform well because of their anxiety.

 2-3 Sharing precautions

There are many things that are commonplace within the company but not so commonplace from the temporary staff’s point of view.

For example, smoking areas, available restrooms, etc.




|Preparation of equipment

Preparation of equipment and supplies is essential to ensure smooth workflow.

However, it is not uncommon to find out that there is an omission in preparation after work has actually started. This is not only a hindrance to the work, but it also makes the dispatched staff members wonder, “Is everything OK here? We must be sure to make all the necessary preparations so as not to make the staff members we are dispatching feel uneasy.

Internet, PC, printer, sticky notes, pens, lunch box




|Staff Motivation

Things to keep in mind here

 4-1Unify the instructions of the person in charge

 4-2Ensure that all staff members perform their duties evenly

 4-3Power harassment

 4-1Unification of instructions for staff in charge

 Be careful when the person in charge of giving instructions operates on a rotating basis. If you decide to do things this way today just because it is easier, the temporary staff will be confused, and this will adversely affect their work.

 4-2Perform the work evenly among all staff members

 If you ask the most capable temporary staff members to concentrate on their work, other temporary staff members will become bored, and the motivation of the entire organization will decrease.

 4-3Power harassment

 Although the staff members seem to be normal, when we are not looking at them, they sometimes take a strong tone towards other temporary staff members, which is actually a case of power harassment.


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