
Importance of establishing the “purpose” of the event



I am the Public Relations Manager of JVB Inc.

I am taking over in a hurry to revive our long-neglected blog.

I hope this blog will be readable by a wide range of people, from those who are wondering “I’ve been put in charge of events, but I don’t know what to do…” to those who are wondering “What kind of work does an event company do in the first place? I hope to provide content that can be read by a wide range of people, from “I’ve been put in charge of an event, but I don’t know what to do.

In today’s article, the first one, we will briefly explain the first move when you are “assigned to be in charge of an event” and how to set the purpose of the event. This applies whether you are organizing an event for a company or organization, or assisting a client as a professional in the event or various industries.

Please bear with us!


Purpose of an Event
Events are a means to an end.


Being entrusted to manage an event = the goal is to make the event a success.

I myself was so excited to be entrusted with the event that I was eager to make the event a success! However, an event is only a means to an end. The goal is not to learn a foreign language and be able to use it, but the key is what you do with the tool of the language.


If you are assigned to manage the event. Anyway, first of all, as a company, as an organization, you should clearly identify the purpose of why the event is being held.

In some cases, it may be decided by upper management to do it anyway and “take care of the rest. If this is the case, conduct sufficient hearings internally.

If you are doing the event yourself from the planning stage, set specific outcomes you would like to achieve with the event.

If you are involved in the client’s operation as an event company, we will conduct in-depth interviews and pursue the core (i.e., essence) of the client’s request from the background of the event and how the client came up with the idea of holding the event.


Although we used the words “core” and “essence” above, it is important to narrow down the “objective” to one as much as possible. It would be easier to understand if you think of it as searching for the non-negotiable points among the many “what I want to do.

Once the event is underway, there will be many decisions and choices to be made regarding every aspect of the event. At that time, the decision will be based on this “objective. We don’t want to open the door on the day of the event and find that the axis has shifted and the event has turned out to be a “fluff event”… Of course, the schedule and venue selection are important factors, but let’s start by establishing a solid foundation for the event.



First of all, “purpose” is the reason why the event is being held.

Set specific outcomes.

Narrow down the “objectives” to one.


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