
Behind the scenes of a successful event: effective project management



A successful event is supported by well-planned and effective time management. Although the time leading up to the event date is limited, proper preparation of each section will ensure smooth operation of the event. In this article, we will introduce the essentials of project management for events and the know-how required to manage the preparation of each section.


1. project phasing

In order to effectively prepare for an event, it is important to divide the work into appropriate phases. For example, by first dividing the work into phases such as “planning and preparation,” “publicity and promotion,” “venue preparation,” “day-of operation,” and “follow-up,” it is possible to focus on the tasks in each phase.


2. set priorities

Within each phase, further organize tasks by priority. Based on importance and urgency, classify tasks into A (high priority), B (medium priority), C (low priority), etc. This will allow you to focus on the most important tasks and make systematic progress.


3. estimated time required for each task

It is also important to properly estimate the time required for each task. Use past experience and data from similar projects as a reference, and estimate the time as realistically as possible. This will allow you to adjust the schedule and assign tasks appropriately. 4.


4. clarification of task relevance

There is always more than one task to be performed. Some tasks must be performed at the same time, and some tasks cannot be started until one is completed, for example, the decoration work cannot be started until the venue is ready.

There can be dependencies between tasks (I was taught that there is a formula between tasks!) ). Clarifying these relationships and properly sequencing the tasks will allow for efficient progress. It is also a good idea to draw a correlation chart to visualize the process.


5. creating a schedule

Create an overall schedule, taking into account the time required for tasks and the relationship between tasks. By visualizing the schedule, you can see at a glance the progress and delays in each phase. A schedule with a generous amount of leeway also allows for flexibility in dealing with unexpected problems.

It is important to note that just planning is not complete; it must be feasible to implement (realize). It is not a feasible plan to complete in one day a task that would take three days no matter how it is planned. It is a “wish” that has no basis in reality. By forcing the work to be completed in one day, there is a high risk of problems occurring later.

As I have mentioned many times in this blog, “Preparation is the key to an event. It does not matter if it takes 3 days or 10 days to create an event implementation plan, it is important to plan the implementation after a thorough simulation at the beginning. 6.


6. communication with each team

Progress of tasks and issues will be easier to grasp if communication with the team is smooth. Through regular meetings and progress reports, deepen the understanding of the entire team and build a cooperative framework for solving issues.



A successful event is supported by good time management practices. Project phasing, setting task priorities, estimating time required, clarifying relevance, creating schedules, and team communication are all essential elements for smooth event management. Through well-planned project management, you can ensure a great event.


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